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A little about me

Hi! I'm Shawn, and it's my pleasure to have you take the time to get to know a little about me. I am a father of three wonderful children and a proud grandfather. I grew up in San Jose, California, and shortly after high school, joined the United States Navy.

After my honorable discharge in the late 1980s, I returned to San Jose and eventually moved my family to Tracy California in 1996. I always loved travel and aviation, and it was from this love I have been blessed to spend the last 34 years working for United Airlines. Traveling the world has been such an exciting opportunity to meet people and experience their culture. I have learned that our diversity is our strength.

My love for photography began as a result of traveling the world. It didn't matter if the subject was a landscape or a group of senior citizens in China performing Tai Chi, I was hooked. I look forward to getting to know something about you. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience, so we can arrange a phone call or a sit-down over your favorite beverage.  I would like to thank you once again for taking the time to know this snippet about me. 


Best Regards,

